I'm Kobi, a queer designer in Phoenix

I'm a seasoned User Experience Architect, blending a rich background in data analytics and software development with a passion for empathetic and accessible design. Since diving into the world of web design six years ago, I've transitioned from coding to leading design strategies in my role at LaneTerralever since 2019. My journey has been one of continuous growth, from hands-on creation to steering teams towards innovative user experiences.

A non-binary person smiling in front of a lake
2019 / Present

Senior UX Architect, UX Architect, UX Intern

2021 / Present

DEI Committee Chairperson & Founding Member

2017 / 2018

Software and Web Developer

2016 / 2018

Marketing & Data Analytics Intern

Arizona Microcredit Initiative
2015 / 2017

Senior Associate of Records & Technology

Thunder Speech Theater & Debate Company
2013 / 2015

Summer Academy Lead Debate Instructor

The core values that drive my work


Empathy in my designs means inviting user perspectives into every step of the design process. Decisions should be user-led.


Accessibility goes beyond color contrast and alt text. My hope is that every user should find ease and comfort in my designs.


I fuel my work with genuine passion and purpose. I want my designs to be not only visually appealing but also emotionally engaging.


I strive to create digital spaces where everyone feels welcome and represented. I want to meet users where they are.

Get in touch and let's talk about your project

I love to talk about all things accessibility, CRO, and music too.